Thought I'd share several random pictures of our past week.
<= A carrot from our garden .... I keep forgetting to post a picture of the plastic and "grow your own" snakes we have in our garden to protect the veggies from those pesty crows. Our Pastor told us a very funny garden story that happened to one of his pretend snakes this past week. A crow actually attacked one of his snakes and ended up tearing it apart!!! I'm sure it must have been a very funny sight to watch a bird attack a snake and find out that it wasn't alive. As my brother would say, "That's a crow for you". My brothers like using their BB guns to shoot at the crows in our garden. I guess using the pretend snakes to scare away birds actually works. We have to be careful not to scream when we see the those snakes - it is easy to let out a terrifying scream if you forget about the snakes when you walk into the garden, not to mention that several weeks ago we found several real snakes in our yard.
Here is a picture of my sister and I volunteering at our state annual home school convention.
We had a lot of fun greeting and meeting other homeschooling families.
It was a lot of walking, but I really enjoyed browsing through the many tables of used home school books and odds and ends. I found several really neat science books, a fun modal eye as well as a make your own skeleton! I have plans for doing a study on the human body with my younger siblings within the next month or so. It will be so much fun!
(Anna Sofia & my sisters)
We also attended a seminar at which Anna Sofia and Elizabeth Botkin, authors of the book So Much More: The Remarkable Influence of Visionary Daughters on the Kingdom of God. They spoke about Return of the Daughters and How To Write a Best Selling book.
Check out their website at:
Other bits & pieces:
- June 8th marked my fifth month after my major hip surgery. Where did the time go?!? I'm looking forward to getting back into tennis, running, and other fun outdoor activities this summer. It is really hot here, although I'm sitting in our nice air conditioned home with a sweater on ....yes, it might reach the upper 90's in the great outdoors, but I'm still cold when sitting inside. My brothers think I'm nuts!
- I just started my medical transcription course this week and so far it has been a lot of fun!
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