Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Bubbling with Joy!

I am so excited to share with you that I am now finished with my physical therapy sessions!!!
I am so happy! Everything is going well and I'm progressing at a rapid pace which is wonderful!
I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel and I'm so overjoyed.

In a couple of weeks I will be sharing my new blog site with you. It will be the story of my orthopaedic journey. I will share of how my faith increased and many of the things I learned through those years of learning to completely trust God with my circumstances - taking my hands off and giving Him complete control. It has been an amazing journey and I'm so thankful the Lord's will is perfect - to everything there is a purpose.


The orthopaedic journey began in 2004 and is now ending in 2008!!!
The picture below reminds me that I'm almost there - my trip is almost over!


Anonymous said...

Hi Heather, I'm glad your phisical thearapy is over. U must be really Happy!